Roommate & BathMop Mini FAQs

1. What floor surfaces can I clean with The Mop Pads?

The Roommate & BathMop Mini are safe to clean on ALL finished floors. Do not use on unfinished, oiled or waxed wooden boards, non-sealed tiles or carpeted floors because they may be water sensitive

2. How does the Roommate/BathMop Mini attach to Mop Pads?

The Mops attach to the top pad they sits on when placed in the holder. It attaches with velcro for a firm hold when cleaning.

3. How much does the Roommate & BathMop Mini Mop weigh?

Roommate - 2.8lbs
BathMop Mini - 1.3lb

4. Is the Roommate Spray Bottle Refillable?

Yes! Remove the spray bottle, unscrew the lid and fill up with any safe floor cleaning solution of your choice.

5. How big are the Roommate Mop Pads?

The mop pads are 12.5 x 12.5 x 11inches and have a total surface area of 67.66 inches (Swiffer Wetjet pad = 61 inches)

6. How many mop pads can the holder hold?

Roommate Mop - 20 Pads
BathMop Mini - 20 Pads

7. What is the return policy?

Customers have 30 days to return our products for any reason and will get a full refund. Customers are responsible for shipping unwanted product back to receive a refund.